Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Year of Doing Nothing (post 2.03)

Today I reviewed my progress.  I looked over my calendar and determined whether I was on track for scheduling no more than 1 appointment a week.  In January, I had three appointments.  February, however, was looking a bit problematic.  Seven appointments were scheduled for February.  I thought to myself, how could this be?  I'm only a month into The Year of Doing Nothing and I have seven appointments scheduled in February, two of which were scheduled at the same time on the same day!  One problem was that the month was short; the other, that I had to fit in a trip to my sister's near the end of the month. 

I decided that it would be in the interest of this project to reschedule a couple appointments into March.  I also had one week in February that had nothing on the calendar.  I called up and made an appointment for that week, filling it with something I had been procrastinating on.

I also reviewed my "to do" list.  Several items were checked off, but quite a few remained.  I decided they were in the "important, not urgent" category and kept them on the list.  I briefly pondered whether I should take one item off the list everytime I add an item, even if it's not completed.  Otherwise my "to do" list will get very long.  I am making a concerted effort not to do to everything on the list, which may sound strange, but this is in keeping with trying to make my spiritual practices a priority.

I decided it is worthwhile to check in at the beginning of the month, each month, in this way.